
Loving God in Action

So what does it look like for us to love God as we continue in our relationship with Him? As I shared in the last 7 MIN READ

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Serving Values - Loving God

Out of the stories I shared in the last blog, God revealed His Serving Values for us. I didn’t write the va...

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Called To Minister To Missionaries

Called To Minister To Missionaries

When a missionary or missionary family has been in the field for several years they sometimes begin to experience challenges — struggling marria...

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God Stories

In my last post, I shared about how God led me to Children’s Ministry and beg...

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Make A Way For A Mom Or Dad To Come To CR

About three years ago, there was a Blue Ridge couple who discovered they really needed to attend Celebrate Recovery on Sunday nights.


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Showing God's Love Through Thanksgiving

Showing God's Love Through Thanksgiving

When Ashlyn Schaub, then high school senior Ashlyn John, signed up to deliver Thanksgiving baskets five years ago for Blue Ridge Community Churc...

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A Front Row Seat For Watching God At Work

A Front Row Seat For Watching God At Work

When Paul Burneson first felt called to Lifeline to serve, he wondered what he had to offer someone in a crisis situation. But he soon saw that ...

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Compassion, Missions, Church Planting

In recent months, God has put it on the hearts of our Elders to pray specifically about three areas where Blue Ridge needs to grow/explore: comp...

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How It All Began

If you have been a part of serving here at Blue Ridge you’ve probably heard of our serving values. These are a list of biblical principles t...

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Planning For More Than A Picture-Perfect Day

Sean Peters and Jessica Jacoboski would seem to have the perfect relationship — Sean’s best friend even captured their engagement in photographs...

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It’s Been A 180

It’s Been A 180

When I called Shannon Shorter to talk about Celebrate Recovery, she was in the middle of a lunch date. She and three other women from CR were in...

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Getting Connected

Getting Connected

When Daniel Gunter started serving on the Parking Team three years ago, he said he “didn’t know a soul” at Blue Ridge, even after attending here...

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