Our purpose is to help students follow Jesus.


Middle & High School
9 & 11am


Middle School
8:30 & 10:30am
Youth Room

High School
Youth Room

Doors open 15 minutes before services.

You can find videos of past online teaching series on the Blue Ridge YouTube channel, and details about BR Youth LifeGroups below!


Current Series

For the next month BR Youth will be going through separates series on following Jesus when things are difficult. Middle School will be studying the story of Abraham and the challenges he faces when God calls him. High School will be studying the book of Hosea where we will see how God's faithfulness is steadfast even in our failure. 



LifeGroups are a place where youth can find community and grow deeper in their relationships with God.


Serve in BR Youth

We believe that finding a place where you can serve will be one of the greatest things that will grow your relationship with God. God has given each of us special gifts and talents that He wants to use in and through us to serve others. Find out where He wants to use you through serving!

Parent Hub

Parent Info

We hope this page can serve as a resource for you as you parent and pour into your teenager. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to play a small part in God's plan for your student - we are excited to partner with you during this exciting time! Please feel free to stop by on Sundays to meet us and ask any questions you may have.

Groups & Events