About three years ago, there was a Blue Ridge couple who discovered they really needed to attend Celebrate Recovery on Sunday nights.

The teaching, community and accountability that CR offered would help them overcome some hurts, habits and hang-ups they faced. They knew God could work in their lives and CR could support that.

But they couldn’t go.

The youngest of their three children was just an infant. And Celebration Station, the children’s program for CR, begins at age 3. Childcare for three to come every Sunday just wasn’t affordable.

Thankfully, the couple, whose youngest is now 3, is now a part of CR. But how many other moms and dads are prevented from being a part of CR because of child care? We don’t know. And we’d like for this not to be a barrier for anyone.

To meet the needs of couples, singles and anyone with a child under 3, CR is beginning a nursery. Would God have you serve in this way? What a privilege it would be to serve God by making a way for a mom or dad who is hurting to come into this community!

If you’re interested in helping to start a Celebrate Recovery Nursery, please contact Debbie O’Brien at crecovery@blue-ridge.org, or come to the informational meeting on December 9 at 7 pm.