When Paul Burneson first felt called to Lifeline to serve, he wondered what he had to offer someone in a crisis situation. But he soon saw that he might have little to offer, but God could do big things in and through him.

“Someone is drowning and your job is to get them to shore. Your job is not to teach them to swim, not to fix them. My job is to come alongside them in a crisis and get them to a safe spot,” Paul said.

Lifeline, a caregiving ministry of Blue Ridge, provides spiritual care, support, encouragement, and referral services in a safe and confidential manner. Support is typically on a short-term basis during times of significant need or crisis — whether it’s a lost job, a broken marriage or anything else that feels overwhelming. While in the midst of crisis, a Lifeline caregiver can help bring clarity to the issues involved, and define the priorities of care.

Last fall Paul submitted his application and began the interview process. In January, he started Lifeline’s 13-week training.

But when he met his first careseeker, Paul wasn’t sure what he might be able to share with him. What Paul found was he did a lot of listening. In three hours, he talked about 15 minutes.

“There's a responsibility to prepare…prayer and getting in scripture…but there's a freedom in seeing the Holy Spirit work in somebody's life where you see it's not really dependent on you at all. You're getting a front row seat,” Paul said. “So many times we'd meet, I would leave in awe.”

Caregivers like Paul have ongoing support from Lifeline leaders and other team members. They attend ongoing education every other month. They can also call Lifeline leaders when issues arise and they need help in discerning the best path.

Paul said the experience has allowed him to help others, but more importantly, to grow in his relationship with Christ.

“I like to prepare and I like to feel I know my subject matter well. But it's a lesson in letting go of control. It's an illusion we create that we're in control,” he said. “It's really not about what you bring to the table. Ultimately it's God's thing and not yours.”

Lifeline is now accepting applications for its next training period, which begins in January. You can pick one up at the Welcome Center.