When we talk about the value of excellence, we're not talking about perfection. Not by any means! We're really talking about excellence of the heart, which is very different. Are we giving God our absolute best?

That is what He deserves. And actually that's what He requires of us. He's not interested in blemished lambs. He's not interested in us throwing Him our scraps, our leftovers. He's interested in us offering our best.

So what would that look like in serving Him?

When we think of greeters who open the door and say “good morning”….are they prayed up all week long for who God might have them lock eyes with? He has a plan for His children standing at those doors. Are we engaged with Him and His plan for us? Are we ready? Are we surrendered and ready for Him to work through us? Or are we just warm, welcoming people? God's not interested in His children just being warm, welcoming people. He's interested in working through them. There is power in that. As we are surrendered, God will move through His children even in a “good morning.”

I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say they were greeted, they took a few steps and they wondered, “Why am I so emotional all of a sudden?” They just interacted with one of God's kids. Nice people cannot cause that reaction. But God had already started moving in their hearts, softening their hearts through their interaction with His child at the door. So when they enter into the auditorium, they are softened. They are more available to hear from Him. He is that powerful.

No matter where we serve are we prayed up? Are we an extension of God as we greet, as we smile, as we hand them a pen? Are we surrendered so He's doing it and there's supernatural power?

Not just helping out
God is not interested in you just helping out. He is interested in working through us to the hearts of others — to those who may not even know Him. There are eternities on the line here.

Maybe you lead a small group or perform in a drama in Kids Community. Are you taking that lesson or script into your quiet time so all week long He is working in us? What time are you giving Him? Are you giving Him the best hour of your day?

When God is in it, even in a funny drama, He can work through you. Ask, “God when I say this line will you bring laughter so you can soften hearts?” Or if I'm on the tech team and I'm playing underscore music, and running lighting, I should pray through that: “Lord, as I do that lighting cue, please use this element to soften hearts and draw people into relationship with you.”

So no matter what we're doing it's centering on our relationships with God. He's in this. He's flowing through us. There is power in that.

Are we giving Him our best so our body, our church is shining brightly because He's all over the place? He's greeting. He's teaching. He's equipping. He's comforting. He's doing it through His children.

I remember talking to a gentleman about serving and being on time. He shared with me a conversation he’d had with a boy in his room and he was excited that he was used by God. But then the gentleman said, “I don't think I'll be able to do this after all.” He started listing all the things on his plate. He was a very busy man. “Sunday morning is the only morning I can sleep,” he said. I said, “Something Jesus has taught us around here is how to look at this. He died for us … and we don't want to get out of the bed for Him?” He leaned against the wall. He smiled and said, “I never thought about it that way. I'll be here next Sunday.”

The next Sunday, the gentleman was late. But as he ran in, he came straight to me and showed me the grease stains on his pants from where he had had car trouble and then ran down the hallway to prayer. Woody (our senior pastor) said, “What do you do to these people?” I said, “No it's not about me, it's about his relationship with God.” It was hilarious, but he got it. He understood. This is critical.

Are we giving Him our absolute best? That would be excellence.

In my next blog, I'll share how serving is our response to God.