When I think back to when God was instilling our serving values into us, we’d constantly say to one another, “It’s not about us.”

We are so easily self-centered. We have to constantly ask God to remind us that it’s not about us!

I remembered sitting with a gentleman as we went through this value. We talked about our pettiness, about not pouting when things don’t go our way. The next Sunday, he came to me to complain that someone kept taking the glue sticks out of his room. But he stopped and smiled and said, "You know Peggy, it's not about me. I can talk to you about this later."

There's a lot that can make us focus on our feelings, our hurt. But when we know Jesus, it's not about us. This is about God. Our purpose is to draw near to Him, and for those who don't know Him to come into a saving relationship with Him. Their eternity changes in the moment. When we think about that, boy do we become small. Our pettiness is revealed to us.

Our prayers change. Instead of praying for our lost job, we start to pray for our lost friend. God instills in us what was really important, what is really at stake.

It's not about me. Thank you God for that reminder.

In my next post, I'll share why excellence is so important to us.