
Did Anyone Ever Come To Know Jesus Through Great Tech?

Did Anyone Ever Come To Know Jesus Through Great Tech?

When Church Production magazine called to ask about our audio system, Andrew Hunt, Technical Dire...

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The Split: When Your Parents Divorce, You’re Not Alone

The Split: When Your Parents Divorce, You’re Not Alone

Divorce creates big questions. Why is this happening? Did I do anything to cause this? Where is God in the middle of this?

Mickey Bickfo...

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Encounter: For The Big Questions

Encounter: For The Big Questions

Encounter invites participants to walk through the book of John and ask, “Who is this man, ...

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I think I could read it a hundred times in a row. Every time it would stir me at the core with the hope and the beauty and the grit and the rea...

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How Freeway Unlocked A Part Of Her Heart

How Freeway Unlocked A Part Of Her Heart

Blue Ridge’s Freeway brings together people with specific needs with those in our body who can fill ...

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Bringing Joy To God At Work

Bringing Joy To God At Work

A few years ago, Tony Erskine read a book that changed how he viewed life and his career. The idea of discovering “Joy at Work” challenged him a...

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What’s A Worship Leader Without A Voice?

What’s A Worship Leader Without A Voice?

When Worship Pastor Todd Foster got to Bible college, he started getting people together to pray. He was a little older than most students comin...

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Surrounded By Christianity, But Missing Jesus

Surrounded By Christianity, But Missing Jesus

In the Lynchburg area, I meet quite a few people who grew up like I did. I was in church 2-3 times per week. I went to Christian school. I went ...

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From A Late-Night Visit To Learning To Follow

From A Late-Night Visit To Learning To Follow

Joel Damiani was having one of the worst nights of his life when the doorbell rang at 10 pm. He was shocked to see three guys from a men’s minis...

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The Power Of Invitation

The Power Of Invitation

A simple invitation has often led me to something that has completely changed my life.

I remember the night our Encounter table leader, ...

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Be As Stubborn Running Toward God As You Were At Running Away

Be As Stubborn Running Toward God As You Were At Running Away

On an ordinary day, playing with his two best friends, 10-year-old Todd Foster heard God’s calling for his life.

“We were playing in the...

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Encounter: Who Is This Man Jesus? What Does He Want From Me?

Encounter: Who Is This Man Jesus? What Does He Want From Me?

His first reaction was “no.”

Marc Beverly’s wife, Karen, was doing the Encounter group when someone from her table invited Marc to a men...

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