Amy and Christian Snead’s second visit to Blue Ridge happened on a Baptism Sunday.

“It totally blew our minds,” Amy remembered.

They didn’t really understand adult Baptism and walked away with many questions. Yet, they also felt drawn to the power of what they saw. “Watching stories of life change, we knew that was where we were supposed to be.”

The Sneads decided to become part of Blue Ridge’s Encounter study, which walks through the book of John and answers, “Who is this man Jesus, and what does He want from me?”

One night, in the parking lot after Encounter, Amy turned to Christian and asked, “Do you feel like we’re missing something here?”

He said, “Yes.”

“I would definitely have put myself in the category of ‘I’m a good person. I try to do things to help people,’” Amy said. But still, there was something missing.

The next week at Encounter, friends walked them through the difference between just believing in God and having a personal relationship with Jesus. That night, they prayed together and Amy and Christian accepted Christ.

“The hardest part was explaining to friends who’d seen us grow up in church,” Amy said. “It was nerve wracking. It was scary. But it was also awesome that we were able to go back and tell people this is different than we thought it was before.”

The Sneads immediately knew they wanted to publicly share what God had done personally in their lives through Baptism.

“In obedience, that was our next step.”

If Baptism is your next step, sign up for the meeting on Sunday, May 31 at 2:30 pm, and download the Baptism packet, which answers your questions and lets you know what to expect.