One of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten on parenting is to do life with my children. It’s so easy to drop them off at a practice or take them to an activity. It takes intentionality for me to participate in activities with them.

One area where I’ve been challenged and encouraged to live life with my children is in service. If you’re like me, that may seem impossible; yet, there are many possibilities!
Start by praying together about when and how God might want you to serve as a family. Then, consider these opportunities:

· Grounds Crew – Get outside and move mulch, pull weeds and make our campus even more inviting for all who visit. Check out our next Campus Work Day.
· Café - Consider serving together by prepping or cleaning up. You need to be at least 16 to serve in the Café.
· Greeters — Share a smile and a friendly greeting that connects with newcomers and familiar faces.
· Kids Community — If you feel called to serve in Kids Community and your child would like to serve with you, you can both be interviewed. Children need to be in at least third grade. Note: You don’t have to serve together — that’s just an option.
· Kids Community Kitting — If you love organizing, crafty projects and working behind the scenes, you might like to help put together the “kits” we use in our small groups throughout Kids Community each Sunday. Different teams meet different days of the week.
· Clean Team — Help make our building look its best for our weekend services and throughout the week by volunteering to help clean.
· Compassion — Last winter when guests stayed in our church building, many families came together to play games with our visitors, bring meals or just talk. We also have seen families deliver Thanksgiving baskets together and serve together in the community.
Sign up through Serving to learn more about opportunities to serve.

Sign up to learn more about opportunities to serve.