The first Thanksgiving can be the hardest. A Christmas with no kids on Christmas Day can feel especially lonely.

That’s why DivorceCare offers a one-night program called “Surviving the Holidays” — to offer hope and help in navigating this new place in life. This two-hour, video-driven event is open to anyone, whether or not they are part of DivorceCare. Kids and teens are invited to come with their parents.

Janet Pino, co-leader of DivorceCare, said if she had her choice, she’d rename the event “When Tradition Meets Reality” instead of “Surviving the Holidays.”

“In Christ we can have so much more than survival,” Janet said. “Focusing on the true meaning of Christmas, can lead to hope and healing.”

She acknowledges there is pain for many going through the holidays while in the midst of separation or divorce. But with support and some creativity, you can turn the holidays into something new.

“Surviving the Holidays is a warm, encouraging, helpful event,” said Janet. “Life change isn't all bad. I have developed beautiful traditions with my kids that probably wouldn't have happened had I not had to create new traditions.”

Just being in a room with other people going through a similar place in life can be comforting.

Don’t miss this encouraging time together.

DivorceCare's Surviving the Holidays will meet on Wednesday, November 19 from 7-9 pm. You can sign up in the Atrium November 8 & 9, or RSVP to There is a $5 charge for adults for materials. There is no charge for kids.