You probably hear the name of God used pretty often out in your everyday life. And not always in a good way. On the other hand, orthodox Jews do not even say God’s sacred name, Yahweh, out loud.

Those are two pretty big extremes.

The fact is that a name is important. It is how you begin to know someone. It helps to capture one’s essence.

In the next few weeks, we’ll begin to unpack the names used for God in His Word. Some will sound foreign and even a little hard to pronounce: Jehovah Tsidkenu, Elohim, Adonai. But each name helps us to grow in our view of God. He is more than Creator. He is more than Savior. He is more than Provider.

Knowing more about who God is helps us to better anchor our lives in His truth and not so much in our circumstances. We’ll see how Abraham could call God Jehovah Jireh (provider), even as God asked him to sacrifice his son. Through this name, we see an immovable truth, even in the midst of an impossible situation.

So what is in a name? Let’s lean into what God will reveal about Himself through His Names.