Have you ever thought about checking out Celebrate Recovery , but you just weren’t sure what to expect? Tom Kaiser, a small group leader, shares what you will experience in Celebrate Recovery, along with what this environment has meant to him and his family.

Who should try Celebrate Recovery?
Anyone with a hurt, habit or hang up. CR isn't just for alcoholics and drug abusers; only 30% of people are there for chemical addiction. CR is for every hurt or habit you my have that is keeping you from the relationship God wants to have with you.

What's it like when you meet on Sunday nights?
Starting at 4:30 pm, we always have an awesome worship time and then we alternate weeks of teaching time as we progress through the eight principals and twelve steps and how they apply to our recoveries. Additionally, testimonies are great, as we get to see how working the eight principles and twelve steps bring each of us closer to God and how through God's grace we can overcome our own hurts, habits or hang-ups.

After our large group time we have small group time where we can share in recovery-specific groups. After that we have meal time were we all can gather together and share life together.

When did you become a part of Celebrate Recovery?
I have been a part of CR since June 2012. I have been serving as a small group leader for about a year now. I have also co-lead a small group session in Life's Healing Choices and I am getting ready to co-lead a men's step study starting November 11.

What led you to Celebrate Recovery?
I was contemplating suicide, dealing with financial issues, addictions to porn and food and struggling with anxiety and depression. One Sunday, our black lab died and then I came home to find out the renters who were in our basement were stiffing us on the rent. As I was digging the grave for our dog, I really felt I was a total failure and that I had screwed my life and my family’s life. I planned to commit suicide that Wednesday night.

Debbie O'Brien, who co-leads CR, asked me and Rebecca, my wife, to meet with her on Monday. Debbie dared me to start attending the men's step study that Tuesday. I reluctantly agreed to give it a shot.

How has God worked in your life through CR?
The first thing God showed me is that not only does He exist (I already believed that), but that He does have the power to help me recover because I matter to Him (step two). He did this through his Word. Psalm 69:5 and Psalm 56:8 really spoke to me and showed me that God does indeed know my pain and cares for me.

CR really helped me dig into God's word, put my trust in Him and restore our relationship. God relieved my anxiety and depression almost instantly and took me through a year-long step study. Through His grace, I have now been free from pornography for over two years.

What would you say to someone thinking of trying Celebrate Recovery?
Walking across the parking lot is indeed the longest walk you will ever make. Everyone has done it — don't let that stop you.