Yes, you read that right. Sex. For the next few weeks we're going to look at what God's Word has to say about sex.

Think back with me for a moment. How did you learn about sex? Was it an awkward conversation with your parents or an embarrassing reveal from a friend? Either way, you probably tried to act cool, even if you had a million questions.

You might still have a million questions. You just don't want to ask them in church.

But here's the deal. If we really look at what God intended sex to be, we shouldn't be so uncomfortable.

The problem is that man has taken what was meant for good and broken it. And when I say that, let me assure you that this series isn't about bashing our culture. The truth is sex is all around us. The messages bombard us online, in the media, among our conversations with friends. Even in our church, we've got some problematic perspectives on sex.

The good news is that we don't have to live in that brokenness. We don't have to believe the lies.

I think it's time we reclaimed sex as something good. I think it's time to talk about it in an honest way. So let's start the conversation and see what God has to say about sex.