Two Journey-goers recently shared their perspective on what this group has meant to them:

Kyle W. Miller
I began attending Blue Ridge Community Church in early January 2013, just days after my wife went to be with Jesus.

Living alone presented many challenges. Some friends soon introduced me to Journey. I then learned that life at age 76 was still important to God, even during a difficult circumstance.

I have moved exponentially closer in my prayer life and my relationship with Jesus in the past 18 months. Journey also provided a way for me, a senior, to feel at home in this church family.

The enthusiasm is great, the fellowship is terrific, the leadership and Bible study is outstanding. The people of Journey care for each other, want to be witnesses for Christ, love our Savior and the Word of God. To me, this is priceless. I cannot find a way to express adequate appreciation except to say “thank you, Journey, for being there for me.”

Phoebe Fensterman
Journey welcomed me with open arms. I wandered in, thinking only God can open this door to allow me to be comfortable in the midst of all new folks. Our son Damon and his wife Angie had said, "go, you will like it."

So thankful that for once in my life, I listened and obeyed. Right away, Darlene Nofsinger smiled and said, "Phoebe” — we had worked together in Bible Study Fellowship years prior. That was truly a God thing!

Becoming a widow really leaves one in the lurch, as they say, but Journey has been an unbelievably nurturing group. I just praise Jesus for leading me to Blue Ridge and the Journey group.