Our family started attending Blue Ridge in the fall of 2005. We were drawn to the transparency of the leadership and the passion and genuineness we saw throughout the body.

Kristi began serving in the Walker Room (for babies who are walking) and eventually began to pursue her passion for missions and prayer. Meanwhile, I gravitated toward the musical aspects of worship and playing in the band. There, I found a lively, passionate and sincere community. Also, our children began serving in KidStuf and even now serve in the High School tech team and worship band.

In 2010, Kristi heard about a new ministry forming called Lifeline. It involved taking a 13-week crisis management course and eventually meeting with hurting people and walking through difficult things with them. She joined the first training session and became a Lifeline Caregiver. After hearing about Kristi’s experiences with Lifeline, I followed suit and enrolled in the next training cycle.

Kristi and I now meet with couples, and individually with men and women. We have found that Lifeline is the application of the Biblical principles of mercy and truth and of Jesus’ call to servanthood.

We meet every other month as a large group with all Lifeline caregivers and then during the odd months we meet with our individual teams. We use those times to pray for each other and get to know each other better. Also, it helps the team leaders to know how each person on the team is doing in their own lives.

We love the ministry because it affords us the opportunity to come alongside people who are hurting and walk with them through their crises. We are not here to fix them, but to encourage them toward Christ, the Healer.

It is an honor to walk with them.