As a part of this week's message from our Proverbs series on the topic of husbands and wives, Pastor Woody assigned the below homework as a practical way to live out some of the wisdom found in scripture. You can download a PDF version of the handout.

Spend 15 minutes doing the following steps for each day:

Day 1

  • Read Proverbs 2:16–17 & Malachi 2:13–16.
  • Revisit/recount good memories of your marriage.
  • Affirm to one another: “You are my wife/husband by covenant before God”.

Day 2

  • Read Proverbs 18:22 & 19:14.
  • Do you see your spouse as a gift from God?
  • Tell/write to your spouse how they are God’s gift to you (e.g. “I see you as a gift to me from God because...”).
  • Pray together thanking God for your spouse (you may need to repent for attitudes or actions that have not displayed this).

Day 3

  • Read Proverbs 18:21.
  • Tell your spouse how he/she has spoken words of “life” to you.
  • Tell your spouse how he/she has spoken words of “death” to you.
  • Pray together.

Day 4

  • Read Proverbs 15:1–2, 18:13, 10:19, & 27:5–6.
  • For each passage ask: “What do you think it means” and “What do you think it means for you, personally and practically”.
  • Pray together.

Day 5

  • Read Proverbs 1:5 & 11:14.
  • Recount times in your life when you have received wise counsel about marriage from others.
  • How can you access wise counsel? Who can you access? What is your first step?
  • Pray together.