One of the things we believe in leadership here at Blue Ridge is that we don't just keep doing things because we've always done them. We continually seek God's direction and ask Him to keep us open to what He has next.

Someone recently asked me about my leadership strategy. Over the years I might have given you a different answer. But I've arrived at the only answer that I think is always right: prayer.

So when the leaders at Engage began to feel God's stirring to take some new directions, we had just one response: to pray over it. And as we've prayed, we've felt affirmed that God does have a new direction — likely more than one direction for the guys who've been a part of Engage.

We don't yet know what that will be. We'll be stopping our weekly Engage meetings after this Monday, June 23, but the leaders will continue to meet to pray.

I know for some this seems like sad news. I understand that. Engage has offered an authentic environment for men to meet for years. In fact, when I go to Engage, I can look around the room and see so many men who've said "yes" to a life with Christ through this environment. I just praise God for that.

But to tell you the truth I'm excited. Because when God's at work, I can't wait to see what He's got planned.

As we wait on those plans to unfold, please pray with us.