Today there’s a plan for everything. Get better abs in 30 days. Build a stronger memory in 20.

This Proverbs Reading Plan, which will take 62 days, doesn’t promise instant wisdom. But as you meditate on this book, ask God to give you discernment. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

As you take time to read each chapter of Proverbs twice — once a day for two days — let this ancient wisdom sink down deep. Meditate on it. Expect God to meet you there!

Chapter 1 - June 9 &10
Chapter 2 - June 11 & 12
Chapter 3 - June 13 & 14
Chapter 4 - June 15 & 16
Chapter 5 - June 17 & 18
Chapter 6 - June 19 & 20
Chapter 7- June 21 & 22
Chapter 8 - June 23 & 24
Chapter 9 - June 25 & 26
Chapter 10 - June 27 & 28
Chapter 11 - June 29 & 30
Chapter 12 - July 1 & 2
Chapter 13 - July 3 & 4
Chapter 14 - July 5 & 6
Chapter 15 - July 7 & 8
Chapter 16 - July 9 & 10
Chapter 17 - July 11 & 12
Chapter 18 - July 13 & 14
Chapter 19 - July 15 & 16
Chapter 20 - July 17 & 18
Chapter 21 - July 19 & 20
Chapter 22 - July 21 & 22
Chapter 23 - July 23 & 24
Chapter 24 - July 25 & 26
Chapter 25 - July 27 & 28
Chapter 26 - July 29 & 30
Chapter 27 - July 31 & August 1
Chapter 28 - August 2 & 3
Chapter 29 - August 4 & 5
Chapter 30 - August 6 & 7
Chapter 31 - August 8 & 9