I spent a portion of my life doubting the existence of God. Then He proved Himself, not through some scientific or theological breakthrough, but through the life of a friend.

All my life I had tried to live by the “Golden Rule” and to do the right thing. But as a young adult, a series of heartbreaks and health issues left me doubting God. I felt like I had lived by the book and yet God had forsaken me. After several months of feeling this way, I began to doubt God’s existence.

I waited for nearly two years before receiving what I believed to be Divine Intervention, or at least Divine Intervention in a form that I could recognize.

There was a new lady at work who I noticed was a bit different. She was always attentive to the needs of others, always had a smile that could brighten a room, and there was this amazing energy about her that I don’t recall ever having experienced before. Over time, we became friends.

One day she made a life-changing comment to me; she told me that God was moving in me and that I was being drawn to Him. The conviction, enthusiasm, and excitement that was conveyed in that statement was overwhelming to me and moved me. I thought to myself: this is my sign from God.

I began to feel that God had sent her to guide me to Him. I wanted to commune with God at that point and decided to go hiking for the second time in my life at the same place off of the Blue Ridge Parkway that nearly killed me the first time I went. On November 9, 2013, I hiked Flat Top Mountain alone, and at the top of that mountain, I dropped to my knees and prayed to God. I submitted myself to being his servant and recognized him as being my Ruler. It was a moment of great humility, but also of great joy.

Shortly after my experience on that mountain, that lady from work invited me to Blue Ridge. I came here with a hunger and excitement to study and truly learn the Bible. I was motivated to continue to develop my new relationship with God, and to learn what it meant to truly follow after Him. I have been learning so much and am hungry to know more!

God used one ordinary girl who simply allows God to shine through her in the things she says and does. Her life is living proof that God does exist! She lives her life as a follower of Christ with boldness and transparency. It is contagious!