Serving in middle school has been a life-changing experience for me.

I started serving about a year ago, and at first, I hesitated in saying “yes” to God. I was intimidated by this age group and worried about how I could connect with them. I was unsure about being a “worthy” leader. God quickly showed me He could equip me and use me if I’d just say “yes.”

I was amazed to see the love of Christ in the leaders in that room. Before every service, we gather together to pray for the kids, as a group and individually.

We all feel so honored and blessed to be a part of their lives and that God has asked us each specifically to be spiritual leaders for these students. We get to walk closely with them and pray for them, not just on Sundays but every day.

I always look forward to the services and enjoy getting to talk to the students and pray with them. The beginning activities are also important because it really gives us a chance to get to know the students. The leaders all dive in and play the games, and we all really have fun too.

Working with the middle schoolers can be very intimidating at times, and sometimes I feel like I'm back in middle school myself! But like any age, there are some students who open right up and some who need encouragement and investment. I love talking to them and getting to know and hear about struggles they are facing, especially at school.

Serving for me has been a way for God to show me some great examples of what my life should look like, and challenged me to keep moving closer to Him. It has helped me form wonderful relationships with other leaders and students.

There’s nothing more amazing than seeing God’s work right in front of you, and I am so thankful that I did not miss this opportunity to serve Him and to serve these middle schoolers.

What an unexpected blessing this has been in my life! It has encouraged me to keep saying “yes”!

Take a look inside Middle School with these photos:

Middle School



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