Is God calling you to Kids Community, but you don’t feel that you are able to step into full-time service right now? Would you love to share the love of Christ with kids, but your schedule prevents you from being at church each Sunday?

There’s an opportunity here that’s just for you!

This summer, Kids Community will be missing servers as college students go home for the summer and regular servers head out across America on family vacations. From small group leaders to tech support to check-in servers, we invite you to consider being a substitute!

You can sign up for the Sundays you are available — it can be most weeks or just once or twice a month.

For the safety of our children, all servers and substitutes go through the same orientation process. Please expect to have a background check and to do an interview with a Kids Community leader.

Begin by filling out a Volunteer form. It’s your first step toward a fun-filled summer of sharing God’s love with our kids!