Serving on a Kids Community team, whether it's in the Cradle (for infants), Walkers (babies who are walking and not yet 2), Twos, Preschool, K-1 or KidStuf Theatre (2nd-5th grade), is a way to worship God and share his love with kids and their families.

While each room is set up a little differently, each has important common values. You've probably seen some of these if you've been reading the Serving Values blogs. If you've ever wondered what it's really like to serve in Kids Community, we wanted to give you an inside look.

First of all, we count serving in Kids Community as a privilege. We're not just here to be nice people or to help out. We really believe God has called us for this time for these kids. We want to do this with excellence. This doesn't mean perfection, but rather living a life surrendered to our Father and giving our best to Him. It's not about rules, it's about living this out by being:

Prepared. The most important thing in being prepared to serve God is to be in touch with Him all week. We don't believe serving in Kids Community is a weekend job. We live this out through prayer, through being in His Word and by being in community. We know we can best serve kids by showing them God in our own lives.

Prayed up. We not only pray for our lessons and our teaching drama, but for each child — by name. Each server takes home children's name tags at the end of each service and we pray for those children during the week. We also come in before Kids Community opens for children to pray for that service. We pray that God would love His kids through us. We also have a group of leaders from each room that meet monthly to pray, too.

Present. We are there each week. This honors God and it allows our programs to be excellent for Him. Being present creates consistency with our children and allows us to more easily create connections with them. When they know who will be in their class each week, children have an easier time coming in, learning and having fun.

In and through it all, we seek to love God, be loving to others and be unified. If you're a parent, we hope this shows you how important your little one is to us and to God. In fact, your whole family is loved! We pray that as your children would know Jesus and you would move closer to Him too.

If as you read this your heart beats a little faster, ask God if He would have you serve in Kids Community.

Donna Dunn serves in the Preschool Rooms in Kids Community.