Jo Holden was praying about where God would have her serve. Then, she saw Debbie O’Brien and knew it was a divine appointment. Jo had done the “Life’s Healing Choices” study with Debbie a while back and remembered what it meant to her.

“What led me there was I realized that I was always trying to control something in my life or someone else's life and not letting God control,” Jo said. “It helped me see how I needed to respond in different situations.”

Jo said she continues that journey of releasing her worries through daily surrender, but knows that “Life’s Healing Choices” put her on the right path. That’s why she’s now helping to lead the LHC study. She encourages anyone struggling with past or current hurts — really that’s most everyone — to consider this study.

Life’s Healing Choices walks through the Beatitudes found in the Book of Matthew and presents eight choices.

“It gives us the principles for healing our hurts, hang-ups and habits,” Jo said. “We're hoping as we go through these eight choices, we can allow God to move in our lives to begin healing and growth.”

Through LHC, participants hear about living in freedom. The DVD series is narrated by Rick Warren and based on the book by John Baker.

“These hurts usually develop over years. We're not going to get rid of them all in eight weeks, but it's a start,” Jo added. “I am really excited to see how the Lord is going to use me and what I will learn from it this time.”