I got to know Angie when we met during the Worship Team auditions in July 2012. There was something about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but I felt safe. In Angie, I saw an amazing combination of God’s love and compassion, in a nurturing-mama package.

God began to use Angie immediately in my life. The walls started to come down. We had many hard conversations that revealed the dark places of my heart — and light shone in. There were times that I didn’t want to move forward in my walk with God, but because I had someone that I trusted walking with me, I kept saying, “Yes.” Through our weekly meetings, I finally began to discover my new identity as someone who belongs to God.

Outside of our meetings, I saw a difference, too. I started to feel compassion for those around me and a strong desire to point them in God’s direction. I also felt more confident in my relationship with God. I started to seek out Truth outside of my time with Angie. I loved hearing from God through prayer and His Word, rather than just depending on other people to spoon-feed me Truth.

A few months ago, I felt God stirring in my heart a desire to give away what I had been given. It felt natural to invest in the lives of women around me. The biggest obstacle for me was feeling inadequate. But God quickly reminded me that all the love, compassion, grace and wisdom that Angie shared with me came straight from Him!

I know now that as long as I keep a soft heart toward God and follow His lead, I am more than capable of being a light in the lives of those around me.

As we continue to move through this Discipleship series, how is God asking you to move in the lives of others?