If you came early to Blue Ridge on Sunday mornings and peeked into the Kindergarten/First Grade (K-1) room, you'd see little cubicles along one wall filled with cutouts and copied activity sheets and games. Small group leaders use these "kits" as they spend time talking to children about the day's lesson and connecting with them on a more personal level.

You'd see similar boxes throughout Kids Community, and the teams who come in during the week to create those activities are our "kitting teams." For K through 5, Tana Bruce, heads up the kitting.

Coming to Blue Ridge for the past seven years, Tana began serving in Kids Community about three years ago. She spends several hours at Blue Ridge each Tuesday, making copies, cutting out activities and making sure the small group leaders have everything they need on Sundays. It's a way to divide the work so people serve in the area God has called them, using the gifts He's given.

"It's not a task. It's not a to-do," Tana said. "I don't look at it as work. When I come here, it's God's house and I love being here."

For each of our kitting teams, that is our prayer: That this detailed work is a worship offering.

"I really enjoy doing it. I feel this is what God called me to. This is how I serve," Tana said.

Through it, and serving in the K-1 room on Sundays, Tana said she's grown in her walk with God.

"Everybody here that He's put in my life, by being around them, God speaks through to me," she said. "He has His hand in it. He's with me."

You can learn more about the many ways people use their gifts in
Kids Community — kitting, as small group leaders, as large group teachers, room leaders and tech support — and how you can get involved by signing up to serve