I remember when I was younger hearing people talk about the deep love they had for their family. But I didn’t know what it was like to accept love, or give it in return.

Then, I connected with an older woman who loved me by walking with me as I started finding freedom from my past. Although I became a Christ-follower when I was 12, I didn’t see much fruit until I allowed God to strip away what was keeping me from experiencing a full life as His daughter.

The first real friendships I made were with women who held me accountable in my walk with God and showed me what it looked like to be a friend.

Relationships used to be a source of pain for me, but God has turned my heart toward reaching out to other women so that they can experience freedom as well! God has definitely given me an outlet for this passion at Blue Ridge. I have been able to see how God desires to use my walk toward freedom in the lives of other women.