You make a lot of choices each day. You probably had a few dozen shampoos to pick from when you stopped by the pharmacy. A whole menu of options for dinner as you ran through the drive-thru. And hundreds of channels to navigate when you put your feet up to rest for the night.

It's easy to feel like you're on decision overload.

For me, I've been thinking about where my family will go on vacation this year. If I look online, there are thousands of rental house choices for the area we want to visit. I couldn't begin to pick a place from that list. So I started to apply some filters: how many bedrooms does it have, what's it near, how much does it cost?

I've been thinking of the filters I apply in making decisions in my own life. In January, as we held a prayer conference here at Blue Ridge, I heard a speaker share about the three filters that God was using in his life. As I began to think about those, they have begun to shape my days.

Whether we're building a career, a home, a church or a tattoo studio, we're all making decisions each day. What if we began to frame up those decisions around the Kingdom of God? How does what you're building fit into that kingdom?

I look forward to exploring these questions with you in the coming weeks. Let's find out together how we can be a people who live out: "For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory."