I grew up in Toronto, Canada and dedicated my life to hockey. But just months before leaving to play on a NCAA scholarship, I suffered a devastating injury that ended my dreams.

I wound up playing hockey at a Christian school in Virginia. It’s important to note that at this point, my idea of Christianity was a Christmas tree and the Easter Bunny.

My first two years at school were difficult. Adjusting to a small town was one thing, but the new “rules” were another. But there was one bright spot in my life. Within two weeks of coming to Virginia, I met an amazing woman, who would later become my wife. Also, during a powerful sermon at my school, the message hit home and I prayed to accept Jesus as my Savior.

Now I’d like to tell you that my life was perfect after that, but it is actually quite the opposite.

Fast forward a couple of years. Life was good, but something huge was missing.
My wife and I were not living for God. We repeatedly tried to follow the “rules of Christianity” and repeatedly failed.

In January 2009, I was invited to Blue Ridge by one of my colleagues whose life reflected a passionate love for Christ. In that first service, we learned that following God should be founded in a relationship, instead of some “rules-based religion.”

I thought about how amazing it would be to have a relationship with the God of the Universe. I experienced a supernatural change in what had become a stone heart.

Some things in my life changed immediately, while others did (and will) take more time. I began to see how I idolized my relationship with my wife.

As Woody drew a triangular diagram of a wife and husband respective to their relationship with God, he said, “If the up and down isn’t there, then the side to side will never work.” God spoke right to my heart.

As I reflect on my journey, I see God’s steadfast love for me. He passionately pursues us and longs for us to be in relationship with Him.