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The Shore


Dr. Woody Torrence

No one enjoys failure. It is painful and disappointing. And it can also feel quite lonely. When we make mistakes or fail, it’s natural to feel that God is distant and that our sin and missteps have pushed Him far away. But the story found in John 21 illustrates just the opposite. Peter, a man acquainted with making a mess of things, experiences a grace and mercy unlike any other. Instead of moving away, Jesus stands at the shore, drawing near to Peter and calling out to him. Despite Peter’s flaws and his epic failure, he is welcomed into the arms of a loving Savior. Are you in bondage to a past or present that has been riddled with bad choices? Listen and take in the message Jesus has for you as He draws close to you in your weakness. Take in a fresh reminder of who God is and let Him remind you of who you are in His eyes.

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